Psychosocial Risk Analysis

Discover the psychosocial risks in your company

fully complies with legal obligations
user-friendly tool
possibility to add additional questions
internal communication support
crystal clear report with results, analyses and advice

Do you know how your company scores on the mandatory psychosocial risk analysis?

What about our working conditions, relationships, conditions, content, organization?
It is time for a new survey on psychosocial risk analysis and do you want to take a different, more innovative and fresh approach?
How do we start the survey for psychosocial risk analysis?
You want a party that does things differently, that is open to suggestions and takes care of you, from A to Z.

Only engaged and valued employees become ambassadors

Motivated and committed employees who go at it with enthusiasm, that's what every leader and HR manager wants. To get there, you first need to know where you are today and what the current situation is.
How does your company score when it comes to:
working conditions
employment relationships
labor content
employment conditions
work organization
And what are your strengths and areas for improvement, or your blind spots?
That's what the Happy Humans Psychosocial Risk Analysis maps out all for you.

Discover what's really going on in your company with the psychosocial risk analysis by Happy Humans

Discover how your employees are really doing, through a user-friendly, scientifically based survey that we conduct with your employees and company. It fully complies with the legal obligations.

Remove your blind spots

The psychosocial risk analysis shows you how your employees in your company are doing. You will gain insight into working conditions, relationships, conditions, content and organization. You get an honest mirror for your company.

Start from a zero point measurement

You finally have an objective starting point and benchmark that you can always go back to. In this way, you can now map the impact of, prevention and HR actions on your employees and the company.

Create support for change

By starting with a substantiated questionnaire, you ensure that your decisions are more supported by the entire team. This way, you can rest assured that you are making the right choices and that you will get changes faster.
The decisive factor why we worked with Happy Humans was the customized employee survey! They did not work with a static questionnaire like the others, everything was adaptable to our needs — without the survey or its results losing quality.
Cedric Vanaken
Strategist at Wisemen

Under the hood:

Scientifically based, no “wet finger work” and fully compliant with legal obligations.
Flexible and customizable questionnaires, so that the scan is tailored to your company culture and needs.
A very user-friendly tool so that everyone can get started
Internal communication support for a high response rate
In multiple languages possible, so that no one falls by the boat

How do we proceed?

1. Book an introductory meeting

Let's get acquainted, completely free of charge. In just 30 minutes, we'll fully explain how we work and whether we're the right party for you. You don't have to make any commitments yet.
Book your introduction here

2. Plan your Discovery Day

We think it's important to understand you and your business. That's why we take the time to sit down with key stakeholders, uncover your needs and context of the company, and zoom in on your mission, vision, values, communication to the team...

3. From the psychosocial risk survey to a clear report

We create the questionnaires in co-creation and send all employees an invitation to the survey. We follow up on the response and answer all questions. We collect all insights in a clear report and give you insight into your business.

Our promise to you

Adapted to your culture

Every company is unique. That's why we really take the time to get to know the company before we act. We investigate what has already been done in the past, what was found to be good or bad, where the challenges lie... Only then do we get off to a good start.

Flexible and co-creative

Unlike many others, we do not use standard questionnaires for our surveys. That is why we adapt the questionnaires based on your company, needs and context. We promise you that it fully complies with legal obligations. Together, we will look for the right solutions.

To the core

To make a lasting impact, you have to dare to get to the point and dare to highlight “the ugly truth”. After all, that's where the biggest growth margin for your company lies! We go for nothing less than that.

Personal guidance

At every step, our team of HR consultants is ready to help: increase participation, implement action plans, monitor results... No party is as involved as us. We're in this together!

This is for you if you:

Want to improve engagement and motivation within your team.
Curious about how your employees really think about their job and the company.
Want to discover the blind spots within your team & company.
Wants to retain (new) employees in a new and easier way.

These companies already have Happy Humans

“Thanks to the Happy Humans employee survey and HR action plan, we have a wealth of information and a well-founded plan to roll out. It was well worth the investment, because we now really know what to do in the coming years and are no longer behind the facts.”
Sofie Lensen
HR manager at B&R
“The decisive factor why we worked with them was the tailor-made survey! They didn't work with a static questionnaire like the others, everything was adaptable to our needs — without the employee survey or its results losing quality.”
Cedric Vanaken
Innovation Strategist at Wisemen
“Due to the large number of foreign speakers in our company, the survey had to be conducted in multiple languages. This turned out to be absolutely no problem. It is very nice to be able to work with an external party in such a flexible way!”
Manuel Haustraete
HR manager at REAZN

Read some success stories

“The collaboration with Happy Humans happened because we were curious about feedback and input from our employees on what could be done better, what could be done differently,... Our goal was to create a list of quick wins and improvements to incorporate into our HR roadmap. Happy Humans was a great help for us. They understood what we wanted and what we needed, and adapted the project according to our requests and the outcomes were great! The Neuroventis team is very happy and satisfied with the results of this collaboration, we would definitely recommend Happy Humans!”

Tassia Abreu
Office Manager at Neuroventis

"De 2e generatie staat in de startblokken. Om dit in goede banen te leiden, wilden we weten wat er écht leeft in het bedrijf. Happy Humans heeft hier uitstekend in geholpen. Onze mensen reageerden super positief op de bevraging en de acties die daaruit kwamen. Elke actie die we uitrollen heeft draagvlak en onze mensen voelen zich hierdoor hyper betrokken met de firma. Zodanig zelfs, dat ze wandelende reclameborden zijn geworden van onze firma! Als CEO en manager kon ik geen beter resultaat wensen dan dit!"

Roseline Van Damme
CEO & Manager bij ABETEC

Many companies wait too long to hold someone responsible for HR. The fact that Happy Humans can support us part-time makes it feasible for us as a company. to take this step already. It's also only after someone with expertise takes a look that you realize how much can (and should) be done in this domain.

As a company, we have set a goal to 'a great place to work for talented people'to become. The use of Happy Humans helps us to actually succeed in this!”

Nicholas De Nil
CEO Bizzcontrol

"We hadden al eens een gelijkaardige bevraging laten doen door een ander bedrijf, maar toen was de responsratio niet zo hoog zoals nu met Happy Humans. Dankzij Happy Humans hebben maar liefst 92% van het personeel de bevraging afgerond. En ze begeleiden ons na de resultaten met een actieplan vol quick wins. Kortom: Top service!"

Manuel Haustraete
HR Manager bij Reazn

Ready to Rumble?

Like these companies, do you want to discover your blind spots and transform your employees into happy humans?
takes barely 30 min